Saturday, July 25, 2015

Naughty Dog, Max, of course

This evening we headed down to the lake to do some playing.  Of course we took Max along as he LOVES the water and frankly there was no one staying at camp to watch him.  He was happy as a little clam jumping in and out of the water repeatedly, catching the stick and bringing it back, all fun things.  Then... Keith gets there with the boat.  We know from experience that Max is no good on the boat and he is no good when Keith is leaving with the boat so we took a rope and tied him to a tree.  (This is based on prior experience when I held the rope and he almost dragged me into the lake going after Keith.  Not sure why he is so codependent!)  Anywho... Max lost his mind there on the side of the lake tied to the tree, he was barking and lunging to the point I let go of the rope and he thought he was free as a little bird... until he got to the end of the rope where he was jerked back with some force.  I was afraid he was going to hurt himself.  He finally calmed down a bit after the incident with the end of the rope and had much more respect for the rope after that but my concern was that he would lose it every time Keith came back to shore with the boat to switch out riders.  So, I took him back to camp.  The little stinker was trying to slink off even from camp so I had to watch him the whole time.  After a while everyone comes back and McKayla tells me she went in the tube for the first time.  I was so BUGGED, I would have loved to have been there to see her go for the first time or go with her.  Dumb dog!

As Marika said, it is like having a toddler again.

Shame on you Max!

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