Sunday, August 2, 2015

Daddy's Gone (Again)... sigh

Keith has had to go to Las Vegas for work for the second time today in a couple of weeks.  The office there has been behind on the work that has been brought into their shop and Keith was sent there a couple of weeks ago to get them caught up.  In the meantime, their tech is no longer employed there and the plan was for him to go back every other week for the months of August and September and the last two weeks of September to continue to help out.  They have already found and hired someone new so now he will be training and we don't know how long that will last, if it will be as long as planned before or shorter than that.  All I know is I have a little girl on my hands who is super sad her daddy is leaving again and was a bundle of FEELINGS tonight that involved some BEHAVIOR.  It was good times.  The photo below was one of the actual good times.  McKayla is bound and determined that her dog and her cat will get along and love one another so them being this close was a very happy moment for her.

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