Saturday, August 1, 2015

Inside Out

McKayla and I went to see Inside Out today at the movie theatre.  This little film is wonderful.  The interplay between the "characters" inside the minds is really entertaining.  That aside, the moral of the story is fabulous and timely in our society of everything should feel good all the time.  The moral of the story, as I saw it, is that in order to get to joy sometimes you have to travel through sadness and if you avoid that everything gets messed up.  The movie placed value on all of our emotions not just joy, which is nice considering we have a whole bunch that we should embrace and respect. I am not sure if it was really a sad story but of course, I cried.  The message resonated with me on a deep level.  Below is a photo of McKayla and her hair just before the movie started.  Her hair is like a character of its own!  We might need to name it at some point.

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